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Shoalhaven Dog Training Club Rules


  • The Secretary or a committee member must sight a current Vaccination Certificate for all dogs training with the club at the time of membership application or renewal is paid.
  • Dogs are required to four months or older to participate in club training.
  • Junior handlers between the ages of 12 years and 15 years may participate in classes when directly supervised by a responsible adult at the discretion of the chief instructor.
  • An authorised adult must accompany junior handlers between the age of 15 and 16 years, at all times.
  • Bitches in season  are not permitted on the training grounds. Bitches enrolled in a beginners class will be rescheduled into the next available class after 28 days.
  • Dog owners/handlers are responsible to remove any of their dogs droppings immediately.
  • No dog is allowed off lead at any time without the permission of an instructor during classes.
  • The use of “Chain Leads” and “Check Collars” are not permitted whilst training. Collars and leads must be made of a flexible cloth or leather type construction.
  • All dogs must be vetted before going on the training grounds.
  • Mobile phones are not allowed in classes without the permission of the instructor.
  • Members and their dogs are not permitted to use the jumps or agility equipment without prior consent from the chief instructor or under the supervision of an instructor
  • Smoking is not permitted in the clubhouse, within 10 metres of the house doors or openings, on the oval whilst in class during organised training sessions.
  • Members are not permitted on the oval or train their dogs without wearing enclosed footwear such as running, training, walking shoes or similar all times.
  • Ground fees must be paid by Members before training their dogs.
  • Members must contribute to the setting up of equipment in classes and open field events


It is the responsibility of each handler to remove their dogs droppings immediately.

We should NOT have to remind anyone as this is not only a club rule but also a council requirement as well as part of the NSW Dog Act Legislation. If you are not aware of the relevant sections of these requirements please acquaint yourself with the rules, lack of knowledge will not save you a heavy fine.

All councils comply with NSW Dog Legislation and can be contacted for information on public areas, both on leash and off leash, to exercise your dog. Not knowing is not and acceptable excuse.